The mission of Calvary is to encounter God each week in the context of community worship, embracing one another as the family of God in small groups, equip ourselves with the study of God's Word, and engaging the people around us and the world with the gospel of Christ.
Calvary seeks to ENCOUNTER the Living God. When the Church gathers on Sunday mornings, we worship our Great God together. First, we worship through song. Next, we worship through the Word. Encountering God doesn't stop at the end of the worship service, ENCOUNTER continues to happen throughout the week​.
Life transformation is what God designed for our lives. The first step in life transformation is an encounter with Christ through salvation, when you encounter God, you are changed. Even after we are born again, religion and ritual can easily become habits or obligations, devoid of any real encounter with God. There is a great difference between knowing about God and experiencing him intimately as your Heavenly Father. At Calvary we don’t want to simply know more about God – we want to encounter him in worship, and thereby be transformed by His power and presence. That’s the purpose of our worship services – to encounter God.
Embrace represents the second step in the discipleship/life transformation process. It is designed to connect you with other people in small groups called Life Groups. It recognizes the biblical truth that believers are the family of God and is designed to build caring, accountable relationships thereby encouraging one another in becoming fully devoted followers of Christ.
Equip is the third ongoing step designed to mature believers in the Word of God. Our desire is to: “Assemble the people, the men, and the women and the children and the foreigner who is in your town so that they may hear and learn and fear the Lord your God,” Deut. 31:12.Through our various age-level classes and Discovery classes, it is our desire that you grow in your faith and in your relationship with others.
Engage is the final ongoing step of discipleship is engaging the world around us with the gospel of Christ. Christ has commanded believers to go into the entire world making disciples. Jesus told his disciples to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Calvary is committed to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ into all four mission fronts: local, regional, national, and international simultaneously.
For that purpose, we are constantly challenging our members with mission opportunities in all of the four areas. Mission opportunities offer everything from prayer support, financial support and mission trips. Even further, mission trips encompass everything from construction to street evangelism, and from elementary mission trips that are simple and easy to advance mission trips that are difficult, strenuous and even dangerous.